
Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope. It is a tool for daily life in modern society. It is a bulwark against poverty, and a building block of development, an essential complement to investments in roads, dams, clinics and factories. Literacy is a platform for democratization, and a vehicle for the promotion of cultural and national identity. Especially for girls and women, it is an agent of family health and nutrition. For everyone, everywhere, literacy is, along with education in general, a basic human right…. Literacy is, finally, the road to human progress and the means through which every man, woman and child can realize his or her full potential.” – Kofi Annan, seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations

Our English Department aims to enable students to use, understand, appreciate, reflect on and enjoy the English language in a variety of texts and to shape meaning in ways that are imaginative, interpretive, critical and powerful. This is achieved through our exciting and challenging programs and assessments that are developed based on the Western Australian Curriculum and that are responsive to current educational theory.

Lower School

English is a compulsory subject from Year 7-12. The curriculum builds around Language, Literary and Literacy.

  • Reading and Viewing
  • Writing
  • Speaking and Listening
  • Reading and Viewing
  • Writing
  • Speaking and Listening
  • Reading and Viewing
  • Writing
  • Speaking and Listening

Upper School

In Senior School students can choose from:

ATAR English

ATAR English Literature

General English