Pathways- VET and Workplace

Leeming Senior High School supports all students to work towards a fulfilling career pathway.

Regardless of whether your child is interested in an ATAR or General Pathway, a discussion with our Pathways and Transition Manager can help your family make educated and strategic decisions to secure a suitable career pathway.


VET – Vocational Education and Training

VET is a valuable pathway which offers young people nationally accredited and recognised qualifications. Using this pathway, it is possible to achieve dual qualifications in the WACE (Western Australia Certificate of Education) and VET qualifications in their chosen field.

Secondary school students have VET options including:

  1. School-based apprenticeships
  2. Profile qualifications one or two days a week
  3. VET school qualifications delivered on site. – Currently, we offer Certificate II and III qualifications in a variety of domains.

Please refer to the Senior Directory to see the qualifications on offer.


Workplace Learning

Workplace Learning (WPL) offers several benefits, including practical experience, skill development, exposure to real-world scenarios, enhanced problem-solving abilities, improved communication skills, and a better understanding of career pathways. Additionally, it fosters a sense of responsible adaptability and teamwork, preparing students for the new challenges of the professional world.

With the Leeming SHS WPL program students gain hands-on experience in an industry which they are interested in and apply what they’ve learned in the classroom to a real-life setting.



The WPL program is flexible and allows students to access a work placement which doesn’t disrupt their academic progress or other school subjects. It is open to Year 10,11 and 12 students with priority given to those who have successfully completed the Expression of Interest which be accessed on the Pathways and Workplace Learning Connect page or have been accepted into relevant VET Delivered in Secondary Schools (VDSS) programs or School Based Traineeships.